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Why not having an SSL Certificate is costing you business

An SSL Certificate is all about security, that is it secures your website against prying third parties. It achieves this by encrypting the data that is shared between a server and the browser (eg Google chrome, Mozilla Firefox) that your web visitor is using. Its absence is shown by the http prefix in the URL field.

Photo :Pixabay

Not having an SSL certificate has a negative effect on your business in that it reduces the trust that your web visitors have in your website thereby reducing web traffic and conversions. Another serious issue that might arise from the absence of an SSL certificate is that of information being stolen from your website thereby putting your web visitors at risk. 

There are 3 types of SSL Certificates from which you can choose and these are:

  • Domain validated SSL
  • Organisation validated SSL
  • Extended Validated SSL

Each type offers a different level of security and this translates into different levels of confidence website visitors will have in your site. 

1. Domain validated (DV) SSL

This is a certificate that provides a basic level of protection to your website as well as your visitors. It is the most popular type of SSL because of its rapid issuance. Its installation takes very little time normally less than a day. After the installation of this certificate a padlock icon and an https protocol will be displayed on the left side of the browser’s URL field. An example is highlighted in green below.

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is https-3344700_640.jpg

2. Organisation validated (OV) SSL

This type of SSL certificate takes a little longer than the Domain validated SSL to be issued. This is due to the organisation having to go through vetting. This type of SSL certificate confirms the organisation’s existence. After the certificate is issued, the organisation’s name is displayed when the web visitor clicks on the padlock icon.

3. Extended validated (EV) SSL

This SSL certificate shows the highest level of reliability. Your organisation goes through a thorough vetting process to ensure that you are really who you claim to be before it is issued. This certificate displays the company’s name in the browser address bar and a green bar will be displayed in the URL field.

Benefits of having an SSL Certificate

Secure communication between server and browser

An SSL Certificate secures communication between the browser that your web visitor is using and the server on which your website is stored. This eliminates the risk of phishing and cyber attacks. This protects your users’ sensitive information like credit card details, email addresses and banking details that they provide on your website. Your web visitors will therefore not hesitate to provide their details on your website thereby increasing your chances of converting.

Builds trust in the mind of the customer and improves his/her confidence

For business to thrive the customer should have a degree of trust in the service/product provider and an SSL certificate will help you achieve this. When your web visitors notice the padlock icon on your website they will feel secure and will put their trust in your website. The main aim to convert visitors into paying customers, will therefore be achieved.

Ranking benefits given by Google to SSL enabled websites

Google gives top ranking to websites that have SSL certificates. It even gives warnings and alerts to web visitors when they visit a website without security. Web visitors will most likely turn back when they see such alerts. As google gives top priority to secured websites,  you will have a competitive advantage over other businesses offering the same service as you. More exposure to potential clients equals a higher chance of converting them. 

In a nutshell, it is very important that you install an SSL certificate on your website so as to ensure that no one tempers with your website as well as your web visitors sensitive information. This in turn will increase your website conversions as well as your income.

Click here to get an SSL Certificate that best suits your needs.





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